Ethicare Dental – Cosmetic Dentist in Wandsworth
Ethicare have been providing dental excellence to the residents of Putney and Wandsworth since 2007, boasting a family-run state-of-the-art dental promising only the highest quality and ethical oral treatment. The dentist in Wandsworth believe the patient journey is just as important as the treatment outcome, which is why they explain treatment and reasoning for intervention to patients in detail, whilst showing x-ray results.
Teeth Whitening
The team are proud to specialise in teeth whitening for the residents of Wandsworth and Putney, however, their reputation is such that residents from all over London visit for teeth whitening treatment.
Teeth whitening is an easy, affordable and painless technique to getting brighter, whiter teeth. Teeth whitening in Wandsworth offer at-home and in-surgery teeth whitening methods suitable for everyone.
The at-home whitening method allows the team to take moulds of your teeth to produce whitening trays, which you can use in the privacy of your own home. Ethicare employ the use of supersealed trays which keep saliva out and the gel enclosed, producing a more even teeth whitening outcome. This ensures you can lengthen the productivity of the gel, making it more affordable for you in the long run. Home whitening is usually more successful than in-surgery whitening as it allows you to carry out top-ups as and when you desire. It is usually done over the course of a two-week period, however, some discolouration may benefit from an extended home whitening period.
Ethicare are proud to announce that for all Invisalign or orthodontic treatment, patients will receive one week of free home whitening gel.
Composite Bonding
For people who want to improve the cosmetic structure of their teeth, Ethicare offer composite bonding in Wandsworth. This is the addition of white filling material to improve the structure of your teeth. This can be an alternative for porcelain veneers and are added in layers to replicate the individual elements of your tooth structure. This means it is very easy to mimic neighbouring or broken teeth. Composite bonding does not require removal of the tooth structure and can easily be repaired or added to.
Composite bonding is perfect for people who clench or grind their tooth or want to elongate shortened teeth. Composite bonding is more practical as it doesn’t pose the same crack risk as porcelain veneers do. They can also be easily repaired as opposed to veneers that would need to be removed and replaced entirely, which can become costly.
If you are interested in improving the quality, colour or structure of your teeth, contact a member of the team today and get booked in for an initial appointment!
Phone: 020 8870 5059
Address: Ethicare Dental Practice, 68 West Hill, Wandsworth, London, SW18 1RU